
Posts Tagged ‘madison’

Male Survivors – research project

April 20th, 2009 Comments off

Forwarding this on with permission – Tim Strait of Sonas Behavioral Health LLC, which is based on the West side of Madison, is conducting a research study for male survivors:

New research study for male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Study
approved by university review board to guard your confidentiality, safety
and dignity. Male researcher will be asking you questions about work,
co-workers, job changes, and so on. Researcher is licensed mental health

Please respond in complete confidence via this ad.

If you know of interested parties, please have them contact Tim at

MSR podcast – episode 1 – audio only

April 9th, 2009 Comments off

As I mentioned, for those who don’t want to see my mug, here is the audio-only version of the podcast…


Trickle-down violence: Economy cited in rise in domestic abuse

March 18th, 2009 Comments off

Props to our allies at Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS) who are mentioned in this piece, and are dealing with an increase in service demands that no non-profit should ever have to deal with (especially not in a time of dwindling economic resources). Please consider making a donation if you are able to do so…

news: Trickle-down violence: Economy cited in rise in domestic abuse .

The Badger Herald: News: Alleged rape at Sigma Chi

March 5th, 2009 1 comment

The Badger Herald: News: Alleged rape at Sigma Chi.

The Sigma Chi fraternity has placed itself on a form of social probation amid a controversial investigation into at least one sexual assault that allegedly took place at its Langdon Street house last October.

Our thanks to this brave victim who has brought her experience to light, enabling her to connect with other victims and get the ball rolling on legitimate criminal investigation.

Let’s hope that Michael Dunn, executive director of the Sigma Chi International Fraternity, is earnest when he told the Herald that they are “taking the allegations very seriously and is cooperating with both UW and police.”

Let’s also hope that beyond the legal considerations, the IFC at UW will take more decisive action to increase prevention education in their frat and on the UW campus as a whole.

MSR blog – the new frontier

March 2nd, 2009 Comments off

Greetings! If you’re looking for Men Stopping Rape, Inc., in Madison, WI you have come to the right place. After over ten years having our web site hosted with DaneNET (an organization that provides technical support to non-profit organizations), we had to go packing, as they have decided to suspend their web hosting services. We thank them for a decade-plus of solid service, and are please to have the same excellent customer service from Dreamhost. They offer rock-solid support, free hosting for non-profits (!) and reasonable rates for other hosting services for personal and business sites (like this for example :).

As we move into our new digs, there will be some growing pains; I’ve implemented WordPress to help expedite the posting process, so look for more regular, topical articles or comments to be posted here in the near future. I’ll also be migrating our former site content, so if you’re looking for information about our workshops or scheduling a visit from us, please return. Or, if you have pressing questions, contact Stephen or Joe.

Let the new adventure begin…