According to the Associated Press (via Google news), the South Carolina legislature – well, the House at least – voted to pass a bill that promotes violence prevention in the schools while simultaneously barring the mention of gay and lesbian relationships.
Apparently, proponents of the bill are following the same logic of the anti-gay-marriage movement: not only is marriage between one man and one woman, but “traditional domestic violence” occurs between men and woman only.Â
I’m glad the article includes a statement from the national spokesman for Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays, Steve Ralls. He said:
“We are astounded that there are those who would prioritize their own homophobia ahead of the safety of the young people of South Carolina.”
Couldn’t agree more. Let’s see if the S.C. Senate can redeem their state image by killing this bill in committee.
The Associated Press: SC House nixes mention of gays in date-abuse bill.
My thanks to the folks at Prevention Connection for tweeting this…
Interesting piece by Channel 2 KPRC in Houston, TX about victims of sexual assault who are being denied payment of medical costs associated with collecting evidence, even though there’s a state crime victims fund set up for just that purpose, that appears to have plenty of cash in it… Text story, and link to video segment linked below:
Rape Victims Forced To Pay For Evidence – Houston News Story – KPRC Houston.
06/02/’09–Addendum: thanks to MHeald who posted the comment below about a clarification written by the director of TAASA (Texas Association Against Sexual Assault), which is worth a read:
My thanks to the folks at Prevention Connection [] for passing along the link to a recently released report “Hidden Costs in Health Care: The Economic Impact of Violence and Abuse” from the folks at the Academy on Violence & Abuse []. The report can be downloaded in PDF.
I haven’t yet read the report in full, but I believe it demonstrates what those of us who work in the violence prevention movement know: that beyond the immediate impact of intimate partner violence there is costly long-term fallout and health implications. My thanks to the folks at AVA for this important work.
Very well-written article, adapted from a new book by Helen Benedict on the experiences of women serving in the Iraq war.
The passage that stood out so starkly to me was this quote:
“I was less scared of the mortar rounds that came in every day than I was of the men who shared my food.”
Of course, with Sexual Assault Awareness Month in full swing, the timing couldn’t be better.
BBC NEWS | Americas | Women at war face sexual violence.
Interesting article by Kate Harding on regarding two separate Wisconsin cases of underage sex that resulted in charges against perpetrators – one male, and one female – with vastly different consequences. The author quotes from an article on The Daily Beast which calls into question the imbalance in the culture – and by extension the criminal justice system – in the way in which we view male vs. female perpetration. Both articles are thought-provoking reads…
Its only rape if the victims a girl? – Broadsheet –
Props to our allies at Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS) who are mentioned in this piece, and are dealing with an increase in service demands that no non-profit should ever have to deal with (especially not in a time of dwindling economic resources). Please consider making a donation if you are able to do so…
news: Trickle-down violence: Economy cited in rise in domestic abuse .